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Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens5 days ago
It's that time of year again when our lovely stall holders come and sell their creations and wares. Don't forget to come by and get something special for Easter.
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens3 weeks ago
ReFirement Living! Why retire when you can refire your life?

Resident Ross completed a rowing skiff which was built in his garage at Vaucluse Gardens, the second boat he has built since living in ‘retirement’ at Vaucluse.

The boat was displayed as part of the recent biennial Australian Wooden Boat Festival held on the Hobart waterfront in the month of February 2025.

A wonderful and fun filled dry launch was held at the garage and the boat named “Meg” after his 11-year-old grand daughter (pictured).

A highlight of the launch was great singing provided by members of the Vaucluse Gardens singing group led by singing lead, the amazing Resident Una, who had modified the words of the ‘Drunken Sailor” and “Michael Rowed….” To fitting words to include the boat builder and namesake!

It was such a special occasion enjoyed by all with sparkling mineral water and cake to celebrate the ‘launch.”
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens4 weeks ago
Best wishes and fond farewell to Shuvechha (Subu)!

Today was care worker Subu's last shift at Vaucluse Gardens due to the new adventure she and her husband are embracing on the mainland.

Our Residents hosted a farewell morning tea in Subu's honour and the great show of attendees proved how beloved and valued Subu was to our Village.

Subu, we will miss you and your smile, but we wish you all the best for your future endevours!
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens4 weeks ago
Policy Clarification

Baldwin Living's Pet Policy and Temporary Pet Minding

We are happy to be a pet friendly Village, however there are some rules in place to protect Residents, Guests, and Staff that must be followed for the safety of all.

Any Resident moving into the Village, must submit a pet application and have this approved prior to their settlement date, and all pets must be de-sexed, vaccinated (up to date), registered (according to local council rules) and/or micro-chipped.

The replacement of a pet must also be applied for and approved prior to replacing any pet, this is not an automatic YES so please discuss your options with your Village Manager before making any replacement pet commitments.

Any Resident who wishes to pet-sit/mind a friend or family members pet, are required to have an application submitted and approved, along with a signed pet policy lodged on file with the Village Management. You are only required to submit one application, annually, to continue pet-sitting. You are NOT required to complete an application for each temporary visit.

If you, friends, or family members have any questions about these policies please have them contact a member of your Admin Team to explain further 🐾🐈
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens
Baldwin Living Vaucluse Gardens2 months ago
Summer has been kind to our gardens, with plentiful flowers, colour and scents to be found wherever you walk. #summergardens #vauclusegardenssouthhobart